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Malagos Chocolate

Malagos Book of Chocolate

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  • Regular price ₱1,650

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Description: In celebration of our 6th year anniversary, we decided to publish a book that would tell our story – our journey as farmers & chocolate makers. We hope that when you read the words & see the pictures you will become part of our story, and that whenever you taste our chocolate, you will taste the grace of our blessings and the fruits of the earth.

The Malagos Book of Chocolate also features the history and versatility of Philippine couverture chocolate including 70 recipes contributed by chefs ranging from Romy Dorotan, Myrna Segismundo, and Claude Tayag, to Jordy Navarra, Josh Boutwood, and JP Anglo – among many others. Truly grateful to all our recipe contributors.

Packaging: Hardbound coffee-table book (saddle-stitched) measuring 186mm x 186mm.