The New Co-operator. RSS

history, pioneers -

The Rochdale Pioneers' success inspired the formation of other cooperatives around the world, and their legacy continues to influence the cooperative movement today.

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food coop, grocery store, Rewire -

As we get closer and closer to official launch, let's explore 'the cooperative difference' some more. This time, let's look food co-ops. This is a video by Josef Lorenzo via

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Cooperative values, user-investors -

To celebrate the re-start of our launch works for The Co-operative Exchange, here's a well delivered introduction to the workings of cooperatives. Owned by members. Controlled by members. Members benefit from the cooperatives products and services. Benefits go back to members.

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Co-operatives UK, Great Bitain -

Co-operatives give people control over things that matter to them. There are nearly 7,000 independent co-operatives working across the economy. They contribute £37 billion to the British economy and are owned by 15 million people across the country.

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Canada, Desjardins -

It's working as a team and joining forces to accomplish more.

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