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Moleskine Classic Drawing Pencil Set, 5 Pencil Set

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  • ₱444
  • Regular price ₱545

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Author: Moleskine

Brand: Moleskine


  • MOLESKINE PENCIL SET: High-quality pencils for sketching, writing & drawing, Moleskine Pencil Sets are made of natural cedar wood with a naturally inspiring grip. From watercolors to sketching, Moleskine pencil sets bring out the artist in anyone.
  • MOLESKINE PENCILS: Do you love the feel of pencil on paper? Moleskine pencils are designed for writers, students, and artists who know the love of handwriting, whether writing in their journal, sketchbook, planner, or classic Notebook.
  • MADE WITH HANDWRITING IN MIND: The Moleskine Writing Collection is made with handwriting in mind. All of our pens and pencils clip onto the side of your favorite Moleskine notebook, so they won't go missing.
  • PENS & PENCILS FOR MOLESKINE NOTEBOOKS: Whatever you're writing, Moleskine has a pen or pencil for you. From roller & ballpoint pens, to click pencils & wooden pencils, Moleskine pens & pencils are the perfect companion to your Moleskine notebooks.
  • MOLESKINE QUALITY: We're dedicated to culture, travel, memory, imagination, & personal identity—both physical & digital. We bring this commitment to our notebooks, bags, apps & smart pens & notebooks.

Binding: Office Product

Publisher: Moleskine

Release Date: 16-08-2017


Jeu de cinq crayons à papier en graphite d'intensité variée pour différents usages pratiques et artistiques.

Un trait continu et plein, qui ajoute nuances et profondeur à vos dessins, ou des lignes fines qui parcourent votre carnet de croquis ; tous les crayons à mine graphite interagissent différemment avec la page, chacun composant une musique qui lui est propre. Des échos grondants des crayons noirs tendres 6B et 4B au calme discret du 2B, en passant par le soupir naturel du HB et la finesse du crayon H. Comment vous semblent vos croquis d'aujourd'hui ?

Languages: English