Fish2Go Bacolod Branch

Fresh! Shrimp 1.2 Kls.

  • Sale
  • ₱750
  • Regular price ₱850


 Shrimp is known for its delicate, sweet flavor and firm texture. It is a popular choice in many Filipino dishes, often cooked steamed, grilled, or in a stew.

Name: Shrimp 🍤 is a tasty seafood favorite, offering sweet flavor and a tender bite.📏 Nutritional Benefits Shrimp comes packed with: 💪🍤 High Protein, Low Calorie: Great for muscle building and repair, plus aids in weight management. 🧡🐟 Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Vital for heart health, reducing inflammation, and enhancing brain function. 🛡️ Selenium: A key antioxidant for a strong immune system and cell protection. 🧠 Vitamin B12: Crucial for making red blood cells and keeping nerves healthy. 💎 Phosphorus: Important for strong bones and teeth, and helps metabolize carbs and fats.

Dive into the goodness of this nutritious and tasty shrimp! 🍤

Trivia about Shrimp: Did you know that some shrimp are quite the percussionists? The pistol shrimp can snap its claw so fast that it creates a bubble hot enough to rival the sun’s surface temperature for a brief moment. This snap is not only a deadly weapon but also one of the loudest sounds in the ocean, making the pistol shrimp the unexpected heavy metal rock star of the sea! 🦐🎸 Shrimp swim backward by snapping their tail and can change color 🎨 to blend with their surroundings. Some can even make a loud snapping noise 🔊 to stun prey!