In The Co-operative Exchange, we show the price in bitcoin (BTC) for educational purposes. This is in line with our vision, ‘Co-operatives for collective freedom, bitcoin for individual liberty.’ We believe that co-operation is the soundest form of human enterprise. We believe that bitcoin is sound money, money that cannot be corrupted nor controlled by anyone. We want to advance the cooperative circular economy and we agitate for innovation to fuel that, e.g. Starlink-Polaris for Cooperatives Initiative, CoopEnergy (100% Renewable), CoopShop and other crazy co-op things.

The Co-operative Exchange

Bitcoin, An Introduction (Dean Florin Hilbay)

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  • Regular price ₱750

Refresh to see price in pesos (PHP). Checkout price is in pesos. But you will have an option to pay in pesos or bitcoin. You can use any Lightning wallet. Lightning is the fastest and cheapest way to send money anywhere in the world. We recommend CoopPay, the first co-op Lightning wallet in the world! Learn more using our sound money converter

Complete Title: Bitcoin, An Introduction to the Peer-to-Peer, Open Source, Censorship-Resistant, Immutable, Permissionless, Decentralized, Global, Digital Monetary Network of the 21st Century

The book, launched on March 9, 2023 in a university-wide event attended by no less than Dr. Betty Cernol-McCann, President of Silliman University, Dr. Earl Jude Paul L. Cleope, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Atty. May S. Aguilar, Member of the Board of Trustees, Atty. Gretel Kelly M. Delos Santos-Dy, IBP Negros Oriental President, leading members of the business chamber in the Dumaguete City, students and faculty and bitcoin advocates from Manila and elsewhere, is earning raves from bitcoiners worldwide.

“The university environment is the perfect place for bitcoin education.” — Dean Florin T. Hilbay, Silliman University College of Law, topped the 1999 Bar and was the youngest Solicitor General appointed to the post (2014 to 2016)

“Bitcoin and co-operative advocates are almost one and the same, they want to establish a just and fair economic and social system, where everyone prospers because no one lives on rent privileges and sweat of other people.” — Roy S. Miclat, one of the Philippines’ leading cooperative figures

Quick Purchase: Pls. pay the book price plus flat shipping rate of 200 (combined shipping, any quantity) at (Philippine orders only)

Purchase at Dean Hilbay's site: Go to (Philippines and International orders)

Book Reviews

“Light, yet dense. Playful, yet serious. This book dives deeper into Bitcoin than it seems to someone new to Bitcoin, and it provides a trail for the reader to progress further into the Bitcoin rabbit hole. It's perfect for the curious mind that recognizes there's something wrong with the world. They don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in their mind.” — Ramon Tayag, bitcoin whisperer 

“Bitcoin for individuals is easy, either a person gets it by gut or gets it five or 10 years later. To bastardize a famous Satoshi quote: Either you get it now or you don’t, I don’t have time for you now. I’m already on to the next step, bitcoin for institutions (e.g. conglomerates, companies and co-operatives). It is in this context that I’d like to give Prof. Florin’s bitcoin book its plaudits and critique . . . Read more in the whitepaper, 21 Theses

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