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Author: Luisa Piccarreta
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 97
Release Date: 21-11-2021
Details: " This book is of gold, my child. It will form your spiritual fortune, as well as your earthly happiness, You will find in it the source of every if you are weak, you will acquire strength; if tempted, you will obtain victory; if you have fallen into sin you will find the compassionate and powerful hand to raise you up; if afflicted, you will find comfort; if cold, the sure means to warm yourself; if hungry you will savor the exquisite food of the Divine Will.
With this book you will lack nothing. You will no longer be alone, for your Mother will keep you sweet company, with her every maternal care . She will take the pledge upon Herself to make you happy. I, THE HEAVENLY SOVEREIGN QUEEN, WILL TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS, PROVIDED THAT YOU CONSENT TO LIVE UNITED TO ME”. … Here is the purpose of this book explained to you. Those who will welcome it with love will be the first fortunate children who will belong to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; and I, with gold characters, will write their names in my Maternal Heart. From The Maternal Appeal of the Queen of Heaven
“AM I NOT HERE, I, WHO AM YOUR MOTHER? LET NOTHING ELSE WORRY YOU, DISTURB YOU” Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, December 12, 1531
EAN: 9780578994499
Package Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.4 x 0.4 inches
Languages: English