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Author: Gloria Winquist
Brand: Penguin Books
Edition: 1
- Create an app that reminds you to wish your friends a happy birthday
- Write a function to automatically write customized party invitations!
- Program a number guessing game with while loops
- Make a sidescrolling skateboard action game with SpriteKit
- Book for learning how to use Swift, Apple's popular iOS programming language, to create exciting apps
ISBN: 9781593277567
Number Of Pages: 336
Publisher: No Starch Press
Release Date: 2017-05-15
Details: Apple’s Swift is a powerful, beginner-friendly programming language that anyone can use to make cool apps for the iPhone or iPad. In Coding iPhone Apps for Kids, you’ll learn how to use Swift to write programs, even if you’ve never programmed before.
You’ll work in the Xcode playground, an interactive environment where you can play with your code and see the results of your work immediately! You’ll learn the fundamentals of programming too, like how to store data in arrays, use conditional statements to make decisions, and create functions to organize your code—all with the help of clear and patient explanations.
Once you master the basics, you’ll build a birthday tracker app so that you won’t forget anyone’s birthday and a platform game called Schoolhouse Skateboarder with animation, jumps, and more!
As you begin your programming adventure, you’ll learn how to:
–Build programs to save you time, like one that invites all of your friends to a party with just the click of a button!
–Program a number-guessing game with loops to make the computer keep guessing until it gets the right answer
–Make a real, playable game with graphics and sound effects using SpriteKit
–Challenge players by speeding up your game and adding a high-score systemWhy should serious adults have all the fun? Coding iPhone Apps for Kids is your ticket to the exciting world of computer programming.
Covers Swift 3.x and Xcode 8.x. Requires OS X 10.11 or higher.
EAN: 9781593277567
Package Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.9 x 1.0 inches