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Dirt Hog: A Hands-On Guide to Raising Pigs Outdoors....Naturally

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Author: Kelly Klober

Edition: First Edition

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 309

Release Date: 02-07-2007

Part Number: 9781601730015

Details: In today's market, range-rearing of swine can provide the family farm with a key venture for diversification and provide a good cash flow - perhaps no other large animal enterprise offers as fast a turnaround on investment.
With the informed consumer expressing concerns about the issues with factory farming and willing to pay a premium to get a healthy, quality alternative - range-produced pork is more and more the right answer. This comprehensive book on raising hogs the natural way includes sections on housing, fencing, selection, breeding, herd maintenance, feeds, marketing and more.

EAN: 9781601730015

Package Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.0 x 0.9 inches

Languages: English