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The Co-operative Exchange

Mutant Multi Vitamin

  • Sale
  • Regular price ₱1,350

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MUTANT MULTI is a complete nutrition insurance formula, harnessing 80+ ingredients into multiple systems, specifically formulated for the harsh realities of heavy lifting. Easy to swallow tablets. As a food supplement take 2 tablets per day. High potency vitamins, minerals including electrolytes, phytonutrients, botanical extracts, antioxidants, enzymes, berries & greens, lipotropic factors — ALL delivered in easy to swallow tablets. Start each day with a good meal plus your MUTANT MULTIs and you're on your way! Specially formulated for strength athletes. Broad spectrum with multiple nutritional systems. Sixty (60) easy to swallow tablets.

For shipping within the Philippines only. For same-day shipping via LBC Express, pay before 11:00 a.m. For co-operatives, kindly contact us for your product listing (selling) and wholesale (buying) needs.


For your security and protection, our preferred mode of payment is Paypal. All major credit cards accepted via PayPal. Bitcoin also accepted. For other details, please visit our about page